Aditya L1

ADITYA L1: Detailed guide about India’s first Solar mission!!


Less than two weeks have passed since the remarkable achievement of Chandrayaan 3, and ISRO is gearing up to make history once again with the Aditya L1 mission. Instead of focusing on the moon, ISRO is now turning its attention to the sun. In this article, we will delve deeper into the details of this mission.


Aditya L1, India’s first mission to study the Sun, will not land on the Sun like Chandrayaan did on the moon. Instead, it will observe the Sun from a distance, being closer to the Earth than the Sun during the mission. Following the launch, it will travel 1.5 million km away from the Earth and orbit the Lagrange point L1 in a halo orbit, a journey that will take approximately 4 months. Once it reaches its destination, it will remain there for 5 years, functioning as both a spacecraft and a space observatory to study the Sun.


Lagrange points of earth and sun
All Lagrange points between Earth and Sun

The first question that arises is, “What exactly is a Lagrange Point?” Lagrange Points are specific points in space where the gravitational pull of two celestial bodies is balanced. When considering the Sun and the Earth, there are a total of 5 Lagrange points. These 5 Lagrange points and their positions can be observed in the provided image. At these points, if a spacecraft is sent, the orbital motion of the spacecraft and the centrifugal force will be negated by the gravitational forces of the Earth and the Sun. The benefit of this is stability. Any spacecraft sent to a Lagrange point requires minimal effort to maintain its position at that point. This results in conservation of fuel, and as the Earth revolves around the Sun, the spacecraft will also continue to orbit. Longer missions can be conducted as a result. Another advantage is continuous observation. Taking Lagrange Point L1 as an example, any object sent to L1 will remain in a position from which both the Earth and the Sun can be continuously observed, and they will never be obstructed by each other’s shadows. When spacecraft are sent to lunar or Earth orbits, such as Chandrayaan, the Earth is frequently obscured, and when orbiting the Earth, the Sun may be concealed. This is why Lagrange points, especially L1, are crucial, and this is why Aditya L1 will be positioned at the L1 point, from which it derives its name. Prior to this, other space agencies have positioned solar observatories at L1, such as the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, commonly known as SOHO, which was a collaborative mission between NASA and the European Space Agency. L1 and L2 are the most critical Lagrange points due to their proximity to Earth. The renowned James Webb Space Telescope has been situated at the L2 point. Can you guess the rationale? At the L2 point, the Sun will be concealed behind the Earth. Since this telescope must observe objects light years away in the depths of the universe, it is essential to shield it from the Sun’s light to prevent interference. This is the reason why the L2 point was selected.


Different layers of sun
Different layers of Sun (Including Corona, Chromosphere, Photosphere, Convection Zone, Radiation Zone and Core)

Aditya L1 will be studying the Sun. In order to comprehend this, we must acquire some knowledge about the Sun. Our solar system‘s Sun has a diameter that is 109 times larger than that of Earth. Its mass is 333,000 times greater than that of Earth. To put it into perspective, approximately 1.3 million Earths could fit inside the Sun. Similar to the Earth, the Sun also consists of various layers, including the core, mantle, and crust. The core of the Sun is where nuclear fusion reactions occur, converting hydrogen and helium gases into energy. This energy produces both sunlight and heat, which we feel on Earth. The core’s temperature can reach a scorching 15 million degrees Celsius. Surrounding the core is the radiative zone, which constitutes 70% of the Sun’s radius. Next is the convective zone, which makes up approximately 30% of the Sun’s radius and transfers energy through convection. Following this is the Photosphere, which is considered the surface of the Sun, even though it doesn’t have a solid surface like the Earth. Instead, it consists of hot gases and plasma, and is often referred to as the lowest layer of the Sun’s atmosphere. The temperature here is relatively cooler at 5,500°C. Above the Photosphere is the Chromosphere, where the temperature begins to rise, starting at 6,000°C and reaching up to 20,000°C as altitude increases. Beyond this lies the Transition Region, and finally, the outermost layer of the Sun known as the Corona. The Corona layer is comprised of incredibly hot plasma at temperatures ranging from 1 to 3 million degrees Celsius. One might wonder why the sun’s core is so hot while its surface is cooler and the corona layer is extremely hot. This question remains a mystery for scientists, and it is possible that the Aditya L1 space mission will shed light on this. Scientists have their own theories about this phenomenon, but the exact reason is still unknown. When observing the sun from the ground, the layer we usually see is the Photosphere. However, during a solar eclipse, a reddish glow known as the Chromosphere layer becomes visible. During a total solar eclipse, only the Corona layer is visible, forming a faint halo around the sun. The mission of Aditya L1 is to study the top three layers of the sun: Photosphere, Chromosphere, and Corona. However, the challenge is how to accomplish this from millions of kilometers away from the sun. Before discussing the instruments used for this mission, we must understand the various emissions of the sun. It is widely known that the sun emits heat and light. In addition to visible light, the sun also emits various forms of electromagnetic radiation, including ultraviolet rays, infrared radiation, radio waves, X-rays, and gamma rays. While X-rays and gamma rays are harmful, our Earth’s atmosphere provides protection from them. Furthermore, the sun emits solar wind, which is a large wave of charged electrons and protons. When this solar wind interacts with the Earth’s magnetic field, it results in the phenomenon of the Northern Lights. Additionally, the sun emits Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs), which are large bursts of solar wind and magnetic fields. Solar flares, intense flashes of light and energy emitted by the sun, are also part of its emissions. These solar flares have been depicted in various science fiction movies, such as “2012” and “Knowing,” often portraying them as catastrophic events with the potential to destroy the world.

Charged particles from the Sun cause auroras when they interact with Earth's magnetic field as they are carried by solar wind. These particles are directed towards the poles, where they create stunning light shows by interacting with gases such as oxygen and nitrogen in the atmosphere, leading to the Northern and Southern Lights.


The Aditya-L1 mission aims to achieve the following scientific goals:

  1. Investigate the dynamics of the upper atmosphere of the Sun, including the chromosphere and corona.
  2. Research the heating of the chromosphere and corona, the physics of partially ionized plasma, the initiation of coronal mass ejections, and flares.
  3. Observe the particle and plasma environment around the Sun to gather data for studying particle dynamics.
  4. Explore the physics of the solar corona and its heating mechanisms.
  5. Conduct diagnostics of the temperature, velocity, and density of the plasma in the corona and coronal loops.
  6. Study the development, dynamics, and origin of coronal mass ejections (CMEs).
  7. Identify the sequence of processes occurring at different layers (chromosphere, base, and extended corona) that lead to solar eruptive events.
  8. Examine the magnetic field topology and measurements in the solar corona.
  9. Investigate the origin, composition, and dynamics of solar wind as drivers for space weather.


The Aditya L1 spacecraft is equipped with 7 instruments, also known as payloads, to measure various aspects of the Sun. One of these instruments is the Visible Emission Line Coronagraph, or VELC, which will observe the Sun’s Corona layer and Coronal Mass Ejections. Another instrument, the Solar Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (SUIT), is designed to capture images of the Sun’s photosphere and chromosphere in the ultraviolet spectrum. Additionally, the spacecraft is equipped with the Solar Low Energy X-ray Spectrometer (SOLEXS) and the High Energy L1 Orbiting X-ray Spectrometer (HEL1OS) to study the X-rays emitted by the Sun, particularly during solar flares. The Aditya L1 also features the Aditya Solar Wind Particle Experiment (ASPEX) and the Plasma Analyzer Package for Aditya (PAPA) to study the solar wind. Lastly, the Magnetometer MAG is used to measure magnetic fields at the L1 point. Four of these payloads will directly observe the Sun, while the remaining three will take measurements around the L1 point. It is essential for these measurements to be taken outside of Earth’s atmosphere, as it blocks a significant amount of radiation and prevents many forms of energy from reaching the Earth, which is beneficial for humans but restrictive for scientific study.


In 2018, NASA collaborated with the European Space Agency to send the Parker Solar Probe on a mission to directly interact with the Sun’s Corona layer. Additionally, NASA and ESA launched the solar orbiter in 2020, both with the shared goal of gaining a better understanding of the Sun, particularly its harmful emissions.

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