PSYCHOLOGY :- Understanding Self and Others.
Introduction:- We often experience moods of anger and joy. We do have remarkable ability to learn and memorize poems, stories

Binary System (Number—0,1): Definition, Conversion, Examples
Analog signal & Digital signal In some conventional electronic circuits—for example, rectifiers made of p-n junctions or amplifier circuits made

NOT Gate: Definition, Symbol, Truth Table, NOT gate in Circuit
NOT Gate A NOT gate has a single input voltage or signal and a single output voltage or signal like

AND Gate: Definition, Symbol, Truth Table, AND gate in Circuit
AND Gate An AND gate has two or more input voltages or signals and a single output voltage or signal

OR Gate: Definition, Symbol, Truth Table, OR gate in Circuit
Logic Gates A gate is a type of digital circuit that has one or more input voltages, but only one

Oscillator: Definition, Types, Feedback Circuit, LC Feedback Oscillator
Oscillator Definition: A device that converts a direct current or an uncontrolled alternating current into an alternating signal of a

Transistor: Definition, Symbol, n-p-n & p-n-p transistor
Transistor In 1947 John Bardeen, William Shockley, and Walter Brattain invented the transistor. The most common of the various forms

Zener Diode: Definition, Zener Effect, V-I Curve, Circuit Symbol, & Use
Zener diode When a typical semiconductor diode is reverse biased, a minimal amount of saturated reverse current flows through it

p-n Junction: Definition, Circuit Symbol, Forward & Reverse Bias
p-n Junction Definition: When one part of a semiconductor crystal is p-type and the other n-type by reverse doping, the

Extrinsic Semiconductor: Doping, p & n-type semiconductor
Impure or extrinsic semiconductor Definition: By carefully mixing a few special impurities with a pure semiconductor, the semiconductor’s electrical conductivity

Semiconductors: What is Electron and Holes?
Conduction of electricity in solids The molecules or atoms of crystalline solids are arranged in a regular pattern in a

Beginner Astrophotography Tips: How to capture the night sky
Do you want to be able to take amazing photos of stars in the night sky? Well, this article is

Best Telescope for beginners: Telescope Buying Guide For 2024
Telescope for beginners You want to purchase telescope for beginners. We’re here to make that process as easy and painless

Astrology: Can Horoscopes Really Predict Your Future?
Astronomy vs. astrology. Someone once said that astrology is a divinatory practice capable of predicting only the past. It would

3 Best Stargazing and Astronomy Apps for Mobile of 2024
Best Astronomy Apps of 2024 We already know that astronomy is kind of an expensive hobby. If you are new

Types of Spectra: Emission, Absorption Spectra
Different Types of Spectra Any light source can produce a spectrum by scattering its light. The causes of various types

What is Dispersion of Light: Definition, Concepts and Example
Dispersion of Light The scientist Newton was the first to notice that sunlight, or white light, is a combination of

Raman Effect: Definition, Rayleigh’s Scattering, Explanation
In 1928, the famous Indian scientist Sir Chandrashekhar Venkat Raman, or Sir C.V. Raman, passing monochromatic visible light rays through

Total Internal Reflection: Definition, Critical Angle, Examples
We know that when a light ray is refracted from a denser medium to a thinner medium, the refracted ray

Example of Reflection and Refraction of Light
Refraction and reflection are two basic properties of light. Clear images can be seen when light bounces off a surface,

Refraction of Light: Detailed Guide on it!!
What is Refraction of Light? What is Refraction of Light: If light passes from one medium to another through the

Reflection of Light: Detailed Overview on It
Reflection of Light The object that emits light is called a light source. Light sources can be of two types—a

Gravity on Other Planets of Our Solar System
Gravity on Other Planets Today, we’ll be talking about gravity on other planets. Gravity is a fundamental force in physics,

What is Hydrogen Spectrum: Balmer Series, Rydberg Constant!
Atomic Spectrum: Line Spectrum When an elemental gas or vapour is placed in a discharge tube at a pressure of

List of the Major Telescopes in India | 2024 List
Telescopes in India Today in this article we will learn about telescopes in India. I had no idea about the

Time Travel Paradox: Everything You Need To Know!
What Is Time Travel Paradox? If the great scientist Stephen Hawking was afraid of anything, it was the Time Travel

5 Amazing Unsolved Paradox You Need to Know!!
The Unsolved Paradox The human brain is one of the smartest on the planet. But there are some things we

How Can We Time Travel: History, Explanation, Possible Methods!
Is it possible to time travel? May be yes or no. Scientists tell three such ways of time travel by

Next Gen Launch Vehicle of ISRO (SSLV, ULV, HLV, RLV & GSLV)!
Launch vehicle of ISRO India has made tremendous strides in launch vehicle technology to achieve self-reliance in satellite launch vehicle

How Did India Reach Mars In It’s First Attempt?
A one-kilometre autorickshaw right in India usually takes Rs. 10, and what if I say India reached Mars at Rs.

The End of Voyager 1 After 47 Years?
About Voyager 1 Voyager 1 is about to end. After nearly 47 years of its initiation, Voyager is heading towards

How The Chandrayaan 3 Launched?
Introduction How The Chandrayaan 3 Launched? Chandrayaan 3 India’s mission to the Moon is successful because it took the precise

Mangalyaan 2: Detailed about India’s second Martin mission
What is Mangalyaan 2 If you are so happy to see India’s rover moving on the surface of the moon,

Gaganyaan Mission: A Complete Guide to the Manned Mission of ISRO!
What is Gaganyaan Mission? First Chandrayaan 3 went, then Suryayaan, now next month it is the turn of Gaganyaan. Yes,

Chandrayaan 1: Complete Guide on India’s First Ever Lunar Mission
What is Chandrayaan 1? Chandrayaan 1, India’s first ever mission to the Moon, which was launched on October 22, 2008,

Chandrayaan 2: Detailed Guide on India’s Second Lunar Mission
What is Chandrayaan 2? Chandrayaan 2 was India‘s second Lunar mission, followed by Chandrayaan 1 mission that helped to confirm

How Rocky Planets are Different From Gaseous Planets?
INTRODUCTION What is the reason that inner planets are made of rock and outer planets are made of gas? We

The Fermi Paradox: Where are the everyone?
INTRODUCTION Throughout most of human history, people believed that our world was unique. With the emergence of philosophy and science,

ADITYA L1: Detailed guide about India’s first Solar mission!!
INTRODUCTION Less than two weeks have passed since the remarkable achievement of Chandrayaan 3, and ISRO is gearing up to

Why it is hard to reach Pluto?
INTRODUCTION Reaching Pluto has proven to be a challenging endeavor, and the time it would take to travel there is

Why Speed of light (300000 km/s) is a universal constant?
INTRODUCTION When exploring phenomena smaller than atoms, Quantum Mechanics becomes relevant, while the physics of massive objects is described by

Do aliens exists in our Universe?
INTRODUCTION Are there aliens in our world? Or not? This is a question that has been asked to many people.

10 Amazing Facts of Solar System You Need To Know!!
FACTS OF SOLAR SYSTEM In this article we’re discussing about 10 amazing facts about the solar system. Which are just

Why We Should Colonize Titan Instead Mars!!
INTRODUCTION TO COLONIZE TITAN Up to this point, the primary focus of researchers has been on the Moon or Mars

To Reach Dwarf Planets of Solar System How Long Would it Take?
INTRODUCTION How long would it take to reach each of the dwarf planets in the solar system? In the solar

UY Scuti: The former largest star ever discovered!!
INTRODUCTION There are hundreds of sextillions of stars in the universe, and while the Milky Way contains an estimated 400

Special Theory of Relativity: Idea, Example, Time Dilation!!
INTRODUCTION It seems as though time in this universe never stops or decelerates for anyone. It continuously moves forward without

How big is our own Milky Way Galaxy (100,000 light-years)?
INTRODUCTION Ever wondered just how vast our Milky Way is? To grasp its immense size, we first need to understand

Black Holes: Why light cannot escape from it?
HISTORY OF BLACK HOLE In 1783 one of the scientists John Michell was thinking differently. If we fire a cannon

Gas Giants: Jovian Planets of Our Solar System!!
INTRODUCTION Our home world the Earth is a terrestrial planet. The terrestrial planets are the four smallest and innermost planets

Dwarf Planet: How are they different from the planets?
INTRODUCTION TO DWARF PLANETS Right now, unless you’re somehow, watching this from space, you are situated on a planet, a

What Are The Largest Stars In Our Universe?
INTRODUCTION TO LARGEST STAR IN THE UNIVERSE What is the largest star in the universe? And why is it that

Planetary Ring System: A Detailed Overview on It!!
PLANETARY RING SYSTEM To kick off this blog, I’ve got a little brain teaser for you all! You’ll have few

What is Sound?: Definition, Types, Speed & Application
WHAT IS SOUND? Sound is a type of energy produced by vibrating objects and propagated in waves via various mediums

Quantum Number: Detailed Guide on Different Types of It!!
Table of Contents HISTORY OF QUANTUM NUMBERS The concept of quantum numbers developed in the beginning of the 20th

Bohr’s Model (1913): Description, Differences, Limitation!!
HISTORY OF BOHR’S MODEL In 1913, Bohr’s atomic model improved upon Rutherford’s earlier nuclear model. Rutherford’s 1911 model proposed that

Vertical Motion Under Gravity: Concepts, Formula, Equation, Examples!!
Table of Contents GRAVITY AND ACCELERATION DUE TO GRAVITY In this universe each body attracts every other body. The

Speed of Sound: How Fast Is It? More Than Speed of Light!!
Table of Contents SOUND Sound, a type of energy, moves through vibrations in a medium like air, water, or

Centrifugal Force: Definition, Calculation, Differences, Examples!!
Table of Contents CENTRIFUGAL FORCE The force of centrifugal force is an apparent force that affects objects in circular

Centripetal Force: Definition, Calculation, Examples!!
Table of Contents CENTRIPETAL FORCE Centripetal force is known as the force responsible for maintaining an object’s circular motion

What Is Nuclear Fusion: An Overview, Definition, Processes, Equations!!
Table of Contents NUCLEAR FUSION Nuclear fusion is the process by which two light atomic nuclei fuse together to

What Is Geostationary Satellite: Know Detailed About It!!
Table of Contents GEOSTATIONARY SATELLITE AND PARKING ORBIT The Earth rotates on its axis (the straight line connecting the

Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion: A Detailed Guide About It!!
Table of Contents Image – Astronomer Johannes Kepler, Courtesy – Wikimedia Commons INTRODUCTION TO MOTION OF PLANETS Since the time

Planetary Motion: The history of an idea that led the scientific revolution!!
Table of Contents Image – Astronomer Johannes Kepler, Courtesy – Wikimedia Commons MOTION OF PLANETS AND SATELLITES Since the time

Types of Lunar Eclipse: A Detailed Guide About It!!
SHORT INTRODUCTION ABOUT LUNAR ECLIPSE In our last blog we discussed lunar eclipse in detail. So here we will discuss

Types of Solar Eclipse: A Detailed Guide About It!!
A general layout of a solar eclipse, where the moon blocks the incoming rays coming from the sun, causing a

Lunar Eclipse: Definition, Diagram, Types, & Mechanism
Table of Contents WHAT IS A LUNAR ECLIPSE A lunar eclipse happens when, Earth gets in the way of the

Solar Eclipse: Definition, Diagram, Types, & Phases
Table of Contents WHAT IS A SOLAR ECLIPSE A solar eclipse happens when the Moon passes between the Earth and

An Overview of Different Moons of Solar System!!
Table of Contents INTRODUCTION TO MOONS IN THE SOLAR SYSTEM Moons or planetary satellites are naturally-formed bodies that orbit

List of the Natural Satellites of Solar System!!
Table of Contents INTRODUCTION TO NATURAL SATELLITES OF SOLAR SYSTEM A satellite is anything that orbits a larger object.

PLUTO: Features, Discovery, Atmosphere, Orbit, Exploration of Dwarf Planet!!
Table of Contents INTRODUCTION TO PLUTO Pluto is a dwarf planet located in the Kuiper belt, which extends beyond

EARTH: Features, Atmosphere, Orbit, Rotation, Humans on Earth!!
Table of Contents Image – Solar System INTRODUCTION TO EARTH The Earth is the third planet from the Sun and

NEPTUNE: Features, Discovery, Atmosphere, Mission, Possibilities of Life!!
Table of Contents Image – Solar System INTRODUCTION Neptune is the eighth and most distant known planet from the

URANUS: Features, Discovery, Atmosphere, Mission, Possibilities of Life!!
Table of Contents Image – Solar System INTRODUCTION Uranus is the seventh planet of our solar system and third

SATURN: Features, Discovery, Atmosphere, Mission, Possibilities of Life!!
Table of Contents Image – Solar System INTRODUCTION Saturn is the solar system’s second largest planet in terms of

JUPITER: Features, Discovery, Atmosphere, Mission, Possibilities of Life!!
Table of Contents Image – Solar System INTRODUCTION Jupiter, largest planet of the solar system and ranks fifth in

MARS: Features, Discovery, Atmosphere, Mission, Possibilities for Sustaining Human Life!!
Table of Contents Image – Solar System INTRODUCTION Mars, the fourth planet from the sun after Earth. Known as

VENUS: Features, Discovery, Atmosphere, Mission, Possibilities of Life!!
Table of Contents Image – Solar System INTRODUCTION Venus, the second planet from the sun, is the solar system‘s hottest

MERCURY: Features, Discovery, Atmosphere, Mission
Table of Contents INTRODUCTION Mercury is the closest planet to the sun and the smallest planet among all of the

What is Nuclear Fission: An Overview, Definition, Chain Reaction!!
Table of Contents INTRODUCTION (What is Nuclear Fission) Nuclear fission is the process of splitting large atomic nuclei into

What is Nucleus?: Detailed Overview On It!!
WHAT IS NUCLEUS? Scientist Rutherford reached two important conclusions regarding charge and distribution of mass in atoms with his famous

Rutherford Model (1911): Description, Experiment, Limitation!!
INTRODUCTION OF RUTHERFORD MODEL Ancient Indian philosopher Kanada said that matter is made up of tiny particles. The Greek philosopher

What is Matter Waves?: de Broglie’s Hypothesis of Matter Waves
MATTER WAVES Although waves behave like particles in some cases, no one suggested before 1924 that particles could behave like

Quantum Theory of Radiation: An Overview on Einstein’s Photoelectric Equation
Table of Contents INTRODUCTION OF QUANTUM THEORY OF RADIATION Photon: We know that photoelectric action cannot be explained by wave

What is Quantum Theory?: An Overview About It..
INTRODUCTION OF QUANTUM THEORY The cornerstone of modern physics is quantum theory, also known as quantum physics or quantum mechanics.

What is Gravity: Definition, Effect, Variation, Acceleration due to Gravity
Table of Contents WHAT IS GRAVITY Gravity is a force that pulls two objects towards each other. Everything that has

Newton’s Law of Gravitation: Gravitational Law, Constant, Field, Potential
Table of Contents INTRODUCTION Since ancient times, the curiosity of scientists about planets and stars is immense. Nicolaus Copernicus was

ARTIFICIAL SATELLITE: know types, launching and uses of Satellites
Table of Contents INTRODUCTION OF ARTIFICIAL SATELLITE Moon is Earth’s only satellite. As discussed earlier, the motion of various

Escape Velocity: Definition, Formula, escape velocity list
INTRODUCTION OF ESCAPE VELOCITY If an object is thrown straight up from the earth’s surface, the object rises to a

Newton Third law of Motion: Explanation, Action and Reaction
Table of Contents INTRODUCTION OF THIRD LAW OF MOTION With the publication of his laws of motion in 1687,

Newton’s second law of motion: Derivation of F=ma, Force, Mass, Acceleration, Impulse of Force, Impulsive Force….
Table of Contents INTRODUCTION OF NEWTON’S SECOND LAW OF MOTION Newton’s second law of motion, unlike the first, applies

Newton First law of Motion: Inertia, Concept of force
Table of Contents INTRODUCTION OF FIRST LAW OF MOTION In the seventeenth century, Sir Isaac Newton published three laws.

Newton Law of Motion: Understand Laws, Concept of Force & Momentum
INTRODUCTION TO NEWTON’S LAW OF MOTION Sir Isaac Newton’s book ‘Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica’ laid the groundwork for what is

Types of Black hole – Know different types of Black Hole!!
SHORT INTRODUCTION OF BLACK HOLE Black Hole is a cosmic body which is strangest and most fascinating object found in

Life on Mars Possible or Not? Know human ever colonize Mars!
Table of Contents INTRODUCTION “Is there life on Mars?”, This is a question that people have been asking for more

SHUKRAYAAN-1: Know all about ISRO’s next mission towards Venus
Table of Contents INTRODUCTION ABOUT SHUKRAYAAN A little more than a month after successfully soft landing Chandrayaan-3 on the Moon’s

Mangalyaan – know how ISRO reach Mars in his first attempt!!
INTRODUCTION TO MANGALYAAN Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM), also called ‘MANGALYAAN’, India’s maiden Interplanetary mission which marks a significant milestone in

Chandrayaan-3: Know how India make impossible to possible!!
Table of Contents INTRODUCTION Chandrayaan-3 is the third mission in the Chandrayaan programme, which is a series of lunar exploration

Solar System: Know amazing facts bout planets, asteroid, satellite, comets and many more!!
Table of Contents AN OVERVIEW OF SOLAR SYSTEM The solar system consists of the Sun and everything that orbits or

What is Black Hole: Know everything about most mysterious object of universe
INTRODUCTION OF BLACK HOLE Black Hole is a cosmic body which is strangest and most fascinating object found in space.

Speed of light, Is it possible to surpass that – Yes or No??
INTRODUCTION TO SPEED OF LIGHT In early 17th century, Johannes Kepler believed that the speed of light was tends to

Wormholes – Are they real?? Explore Overview, Types & Creation Time Travel
INTRODUCTION OF WORMHOLES If we think of a galaxy near us, it will take us billions of years to get

Brief History of Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)
INTRODUCTION OF ISRO ISRO or Indian Space Research Organisation is a space agency of India founded in 1969 by Dr.
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Hello we are ASTRONOMY ADVENTURE, our mission is to ignite curiosity and inspire wonder about the universe. We are dedicated to making the vast and complex field of astronomy accessible and engaging for everyone, regardless of age or background. We believe that understanding the cosmos enhances our appreciation for the beauty of the night sky and deepens our awareness of our place in the universe….
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