Wormholes – Are they real?? Explore Overview, Types & Creation Time Travel


If we think of a galaxy near us, it will take us billions of years to get there with our current technology, and if we travel in the speed of light, it takes millions of years. According to the research “Andromeda” is the nearest galaxy, which is nearly about 2.53 million light years away from us. That means light takes 2.53 million years to reach the nearest galaxy from us. But the question is, “is there any shortcut path to travel through the Interstellar regions?”. A wormhole is an ideal shortcut way for intergalactic traveling. It connects two different far away points in space time through a tunnel. The tunnel length is predicted much shorter than the distance between given points. The concept of wormholes is the path breaking predictions of Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity.


A wormhole is an intergalactic structure connects two different far distance points in space time. It’s also called Einstein Rosen Bridge.

Physicists John Archibald Wheeler introduced the name ‘Wormhole’ in 1957. It is picturised as a tunnel with two different ends in space time.

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There are as many different types of wormholes are there which have been named after scientists. Wormholes are broadly categorised in six types –

  • Traversable Wormholes: These kinds of wormholes found in science fiction. Traversable wormholes allow us to go one location to another in cosmos.
  • Non-Traversable Wormholes: In this kind of wormhole, nothing can pass through them; either the wormholes collapse or the particle entering them is destroyed before reaching another side.
  • Intra-Univese Wormholes: Intra-Univese wormholes are found in our universe, which allows to open two different locations in our universe.
  • Inter-Univese Wormholes: Inter-Univese wormholes are those wormholes, which opens a bridge between our universe and a different universe or parallel universe.
  • One-way Wormholes: This kind of wormhole can only be used once and require a new wormhole for return. Generally Black holes are the One-way wormholes. Anything can enter into a black hole, but nothing can leave from it, because of its strong Gravitational Pull.
  • Two-way Wormholes: Two-way Wormholes are the circular wormholes which allow us to return through same wormhole.


The formation of wormholes is still extremely theoretical. However, there are some possible reasons discussed.

  • Quantum Foam: Stphen Hawkins said that the primordial wormholes formed from quantum foam. Quantum foam, cosmic strings and exotic matter could combine to create a stable wormhole.
  • Two Massive Objects in Two Parallel Universe: If two massive objects should place in two parallel universes, the gravitational pull between the objects competes with resistance comes from the brane tension. For strong attraction, the branes deform, the objects touch as a result a wormhole forms.
  • Two masses applying enough force on space time: Wormholes can form when two massive objects are applying enough force on space time to create a tunnel connecting different points.
  • The Big Bang: There is a possibility that the Big Bang created small wormholes with small amounts of negative energies at the beginning of the universe. Over the time, these wormholes have stretched out as the expansion of universe.


Wormholes have many potential uses, which may include.

  • Space travel: Wormholes could shorten the distance between stars, as a result the travel time between galaxies in hours or minutes.
  • Time travel: Some scientists believe that moving through a wormhole could allow time travel. Theoretical models also suggest that wormholes could have time dilation effects, where time flows differently at each end.
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  • Faster-than-light travel: Wormholes could allow to travel slower than light, but the time it takes to travel through a wormhole could be less than the time it would take a light to travel the same distance.
  • Connecting universes: Many theories also said that wormholes could connect different regions of the universe, or even other universes.


Sci-fi movies filled with tales of traveling through wormholes. But in reality, such travel is more complicated, and not just because we’ve yet to spot one. The first problem is size. Primordial wormholes are predicted to exist on microscopic levels, about 10–33 centimetres. However, it is possible that some of them may have been stretched to larger sizes with the expansion of universe.

Another problem comes from stability. It is predicted that Einstein-Rosen wormholes would be useless for travel because, they collapse quickly.

“You would need some very exotic type of matter in order to stabilize a wormhole,” said Hsu, “and it’s not clear whether such matter exists in the universe.”


Current research on wormholes includes the possibility that space time can emerge from quantum information, and that wormholes can be used as a method of space travel. Here are some recent updates on wormholes:

  • In November 2022, physicists created a holographic wormhole using a quantum computer. In that experiment, it shows that quantum effects can create a wormhole, and that the wormhole emerged from quantum bits of information, or “qubits,” stored in superconducting circuits.
  • The experiment also shown that negative repulsive energy may keep a wormhole open long enough to allow something to pass through. The gravitational description of a traversable wormhole is comparable to quantum teleportation.
  • Astrophysicists have provided theoretical evidence of traversable wormholes in this expanding universe.
  • According to the researchers, the wormholes may look almost similar as black holes.
  • If wormholes exist, they might magnify light by 100000 times.


If you see the movie “Interstellar”(2014), is give us a concept of a wormhole. When Cooper enters the secret facility of NASA, it is revealed that a wormhole has appeared near planet Saturn. In movie Joseph Cooper (Matthew McConaughey) pilots a space ship through a wormhole to find a new habitable planet for humans because Earth becomes uninhabitable. In the end of this blog, we conclude that, the wormhole has much potential to save the human race from extinct, by cut down the million and billions of light years travel time in few minutes and hours. Though wormholes theoretically exist, Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity allows the formation of wormholes.

Movie -Interstellar(2014) spaceship near Wormhole

However, these wormholes would be small (Subatomic small) and last for tiny fraction of a seconds before collapsing. However, today’s technology isn’t advanced enough to enlarge or stabilize wormholes, even if they could be found. Some say that humans won’t be traveling through wormholes anytime in future.

5 thoughts on “Wormholes – Are they real?? Explore Overview, Types & Creation Time Travel”

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